Campus Resources

  • Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers (AATC): Provides free tutoring to undergraduate students in writing, math, and science.
  • Aggie Compass: A student resource directory for basic needs such as food, housing, and mental wellness
  • The Brown Pages: A guidebook for Chicanx/Latinx students containing useful information about ChiLat events and offers direction for various UC Davis programs and for the City of Davis itself.
  • CAN Counselors: The Community Advising Network (CAN) of Counselors assists students, especially those in underserved populations, in matters of educational and mental wellness.
  • Center for African Diaspora Student Success: Provides a space for tutoring, academic advising, studying, relaxing, and cultural exploration for students of African descent.
  • Center for Leadership Learning: Offers workshops, certificate programs, coaching, and special events for undergraduate students interested in developing leadership skills.
  • Center for Student Involvement: Provides a means by which students can create or become involved in co-curricular activities and assists students in showcasing skills developed through these activities.
  • Chicana and Chicano Studies: The internationally acclaimed center dedicated to the research and education of the values, experiences, and culture of Chicana and Chicano communities.
  • Cross Cultural Center: A community space providing students a compassionate and comfortable location to explore identity and culture and develop through collective innovation.
  • Educational Opportunity Program: Assists in the admission and retention of historically disadvantaged students by providing counseling, financial aid, academic programs, and many other services.
  • Food Pantry: Provides staple food and non-food items at no cost to students who need it. Only a student ID is required.
  • Guardian Scholars Program: Serves current and former foster youth in improving educational outcomes through academic advising, retention initiatives, and pre/post-graduation planning.
  • LGBTQIA Resource Center: A safe, inclusive space encouraging free expression and representation of all genders and sexual identities.
  • MURPPS: Mentorships for Undergraduate Research Participants in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences (MURPPS) facilitates and assists undergraduate students interested in conducting research in STEM to further their skills and their future career prospects.
  • McNair Scholars: A program designed to prepare underrepresented and first-generation undergraduate scholars for doctoral studies though involvement in research and other scholarly activities.
  • Native American Academic Student Success Center: Provides a space for tutoring, academic advising, studying, relaxing, and cultural exploration for students of Native American descent.
  • NSF LSASMP/CAMP: CAMP is the California division of the Lois Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, funded by the National Science Foundation to provide faculty-mentored research experiences and encourage the transition to graduate studies for STEM students belonging to underserved group.
  • Strategic Asian and Pacific Islander Retention Initiative: Provides academic advising and cultural exploration for students of Asian and Pacific Islander Diaspora.
  • Student Disability Center: Advocates for and assists students with disabilities in receiving support and necessary accommodations.
  • Student Recruitment and Retention Center: Works to create equal education opportunities for minority groups by recruiting new students of underrepresented populations and offering retention services to current students.
  • Transfer and Reentry Center: The TRC addresses and assists with the unique challenges transfer and reentry students face by offering transfer pathways, workshops, academic advising, transitional courses, and more.
  • Undocumented Student Resource Center: Provides guidance, legal education, and basic needs assistance to undocumented and first-generation students.
  • Women's Resources and Research Center: Promotes gender equality by facilitating academic, awareness, community building, and wellness programs.
  • UC LEADS: Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees is a two-year program designed to identify and aid educationally or economically disadvantaged undergraduates in STEM through research experience and stipends, seminars, advising, and more.
  • Undergraduate Research Center: Supports and facilitates programs awarding undergraduate students opportunities to become involved in research positions.
  • Veterans Success Center: The VSC gives veteran students access to an inclusive, engaging environment in addition to various resources such as peer and professional advising.
  • Washington Program: This unique program offers experiential learning experiences to undergraduate students through professional development and internships in Washington DC that help prepare scholars for their transition into the professional workspace.
  • UC Davis Resources: A central hub for finding resources you need to fuel your success such as transportation, counseling, housing, and much more.
  • UC Davis Writing Center: Visit the the writing center for all of your writing needs! They offer writing support for both English and Spanish writing.